Fire Department 



Police Department 



     Public Works Department 


Polk County Citizens

 Information Line

(    Local Emergency Updates


or 1-866-661-0228

     Polk County Animal Services 


United Way Information 

Referral Service 

863-648-1515 or


Sandbag Information

Sandbags will redirect storm water and debris flows away from homes and other structures, provided the sandbags are properly filled and maintained. Sandbags usually last for only one year.  Consult your local environmental protection department before disposing of used sandbags. Sandbags exposed to contaminated floodwaters may pose an environmental hazard and require special handling.

All of Polk County's sandbag fill sites are self-serve, so be sure to bring your shovel. 30 bag limit per person.

Location SandBags  updated Sep 05, 2017 10:00 AM  

Hurricane Preparedness

What is a Hurricane? This is a storm with a sustained wind force of 74 mph or greater. These storms are traced from the time they become a tropical wave until they develop into a hurricane. Hurricane season is June 1st through November 30th.

The Polk County Sheriff's Office offers these safety tips to citizens of Polk County when preparing for a hurricane or other natural disaster:

Do I leave or do I stay? If you leave, have preparations made in advance. Do not wait!!! The roads become a parking lot. For every four (4) times you evacuate, three (3) times will just be a short vacation.

Before you leave your home:

  1. Turn off:

    a. water
    b. electricity
    c. gas

  2. Fill freezer with containers of water.
  3. Have plenty of cash on hand.
  4. Make sure important papers go with you (keep these in a water tight container or ziploc bag).
  5. Have an up-to-date inventory of possessions for insurance purposes with descriptions, models, and serial numbers of items. Include purchase price and date (Operation ID). Secure a video tape or take photographs of all possessions and keep in safe deposit box. (Take this along with you when you leave.)

If you stay:

  1. Know location and routes to Red Cross shelters.
  2. Secure home and grounds (tape windows, tie down or store yard items, etc.)
  3. If in a mobile home community, evacuate to shelter immediately whenever a Hurricane Warning or Disaster is declared.
  4. Turn freezer to lowest setting and fill it with containers of water so it will stay colder longer.
  5. Keep a two-week supply of non-perishable foods, needing little or no preparation. Don't forget non-electrical can opener and emergency cooking equipment, i.e. grill, Coleman stove (for outside cooking).
  6. Have at least one (1) gallon of water per person per day.
  7. Secure important papers; labeled ziploc bags, currency in small denominations only.
  8. Have emergency cash available. ATM's will not be working.
  9. Have flashlights and fresh batteries with replacements.
  10. Have portable battery operated radios and/or televisions.
  11. Scour bathtub and rinse with household bleach, then with water. Fill the tub with water for use in the toilet.
  12. Make sure your vehicle is full of fuel.
  13. Have all medications for a full two weeks; include a first-aid kit.

Be prepared to be completely self-sufficient for at least two weeks.

After Disaster:

  1. If evacuated, delay return until authorized.
  2. Seek medical help at Red Cross stations or hospitals.
  3. Do not go into disaster areas.
  4. Drive, only if necessary.
  5. Beware of snakes and insects moving to high ground.
  6. Avoid all structurally damaged buildings.
  7. Guard against spoiled food.
  8. Notify insurance agent of damage.
  9. Make temporary repairs to protect against further damage and looting.
  10. Beware of unscrupulous opportunities: i.e. price gouging. Polk County has a gouging ordinance. Jail time for price gouging is 6 months and $500.00 for each offense.
  11. Curfew ordinance starts in any local emergency.
  12. Do not wire emergency generator directly into house, draw power directly from generator.

Red Cross Shelters:

  1. Opened as needed in emergency area(s). There are 41 primary shelters in Polk County.
  2. Bring special foods, i.e. baby food, diabetics food, etc.
  3. Bedding.
  4. Medicine for 2 weeks.
  5. Personal items (toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, deodorant, books, puzzles, etc.)
  6. Flashlights, extra batteries.
  7. Portable radio.
  8. Food and drink will be provided.
  9. Items NOT permitted in shelter: guns, alcohol, pets.
  10. Potential capacity of 40,000-50,000 persons. 102 shelters are available.


Special Needs Program:

  1. Temporary emergency facility capable of providing medical or nursing care which does not necessitate a hospital.
  2. Transportation assistance available to: Special needs shelter, public shelter, or nursing home/hospital.
  3. Pre-registration in the program is preferred by contacting Emergency Management office (863)534-5600.
    1. You can download the form HERE.
  4. The three Special Needs Shelters in Polk County are:
    • Haines City Adult Daycare Center 751 Scenic Hwy., Haines City
    • Lakeland Adult Daycare Center 1200 Southern Ave., Lakeland
    • PCHD Specialty Care Units 1255 Brice Blvd., Bartow
  5. Bring backup oxygen supply and medical/electric equipment and medications (at least 72 hours). 

To register for the Special Needs Program or to receive more information, contact the Polk County Emergency Management Division at (863) 534-5600 or Citizen’s Information Line (C.I.L.) at (863) 534-0321 or 1-(866)-661-0228.

American Red Cross(863) 294-5941
United Way Information Referral Service(863) 648-1515 or (800) 881-UWAY
Citizens Information Line (local emergency updates)(863) 401-2234 or (866) 661-0228
Polk County Animal Services(863) 499-2600
Polk County Emergency Communications Center(863) 401-2234
Polk County Fire Rescue (Fire/EMS)(863) 519-7350


Display your house numbers properly

Posting the address numbers on the outside of your home correctly could prevent a delayed response by emergency services and could potentially save the lives of you and your family.

Polk Included in Major Disaster Declaration

No automatic alt text available.

Residents may now register for disaster assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, according to state and federal officials.

Individuals can register online at or through the FEMA App.

Applicants will need the following to apply:

-Social Security Number;
-Daytime telephone number;
-Current mailing address and address and zip code of the damaged property; and
-Private insurance information, if available.

By registering for federal assistance on

You can look up your address to find out if it is in a disaster area declared for Individual Assistance.

Check the status of your application and get updates by SMS or email.

Upload documents to support your application.

Another option for individuals, including those who use 711 relay or VRS, is to call 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) while those who use TTY can call 1-800-462-7585.